The Avery

Daniel Craig on set, No Time To Die

The Avery Necktie is in stock. For custom inquires, email us at


Planning the big day is overwhelming. So many choices, so many details. Fortunately, this is our specialty.

Our archive of over 2,000 original designs, and over fifteen years of exceptional service.

Custom Orders / Selections / Consultations

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Private client custom development

We work with organizations and individuals on original fabrics, designs, and shapes.

Our clients include century old private clubs, fine hotels, companies, and motion picture and music artists to create unique pieces conceived for their brand, history, and purpose.

We work closely with our clients from first consultation to final delivery. All pieces are handmade at our workshop in New York. Quality of design and craftsmanship places our pieces in a category of their own.

For inquiries contact


Select Private Client List:

The NoMad Hotel (New York City)

BMW Motors Paris (France)

The Players Club (New York City)

Hotel de Crillon (Paris)

Lexus Cars (Japan)

The Collegiate School (New York City)

The Bee Club (Harvard University)

The Porcellian Club (Harvard University)

The India Wharf Rats Club (Boston)

Leon Bridges, photograph by @rambo